
"Train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6

Nursery Ages 0-3

Our precious little ones, 3 and under, are cared for in the safe and nurturing environment of our nursery. Our nursery staff and volunteers have completed background checks and Safe Gatherings Training. The nursery is available during our 9:00am Sunday morning service and often for various events. Please contact our Nursery Director, Lyndsy Kaminski, for more information.

Kid's Ministry Ages 3 - 5th Grade

Here at Shiloh, we believe that each child is unique and is an important part of our Shiloh family! It is our goal to provide a safe environment for our children to learn about Jesus and experience His love. Our staff and volunteers are well versed in the Bible and make learning His Holy Word fun and engaging. We offer Children’s Church (JAM) during our 9:00am Sunday service as well as many other fun God-centered events throughout the year! All of our kids staff and volunteers are Safe Gatherings certified and background checked. Contact our Director of Children’s Programs, Becky Lord, for questions or more information.

Just for Kids

JAM (Jesus and Me)

During our 9:00am Sunday service, our children head downstairs to engage in fun, Bible-centered lessons. Visit the Kids' Zone desk for more information and check in.

Kingdom Kids

Kingdom Kids is a junior youth group designed to make the transition into our older youth group smoother. We hold various events throughout the year and our older youth serve as mentors.

Special Events

From fall festivals to Easter egg hunts, Christmas programs to VBS; we have great kid events all year! Check out the events page for specific details.

Due to inclement weather, all in-person services and events are cancelled for Sunday, January 5th.